Street Life

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What is Street Life?

It’s the strolling, playing and socialising that happens - or would happen were it not for inconsiderate driving.

What is inconsiderate driving?

Inconsiderate driving leaves in its wake a fear of the street within the minds of those that live alongside it such that street life cannot thrive.

How can we support street life?

We hero street life on signs and, with the help of the police, sanction behaviour that impedes street life.

Our signs leverage behavioural science

Our displays are firm but friendly, like the perfect police officer. They warn of cameras and give the reason: people may be walking, riding and playing.

Firm: The signs use the standard speed camera image and font and are black and white in line with official signage. Given many people think of the camera as a bellows camera, they are set to point at the road.

Friendly: The inconvenient truth is that we are at the mercy of drivers. We can’t order them to drive considerately so we have to win them over, and that depends on getting their attention and fostering respect.

To get attention the signs display the standard camera image and a variety of other images that will attract their interest.

To foster respect they avoid passive aggression: there’s no insinuation that a driver is speeding, no injunction to ‘Slow Down’ or ‘Kill Your Speed’. Also, in revealing the “Why” (protect street life), they credit the driver with good intentions and, in doing so, may strengthen them.

What will ensure we drive considerately?

We likely consider that we drive carefully even when hurrying. Yet we check our speed when the fear of being late is significantly less than the twin fears of being caught speeding or of causing harm.

The signs play on these twin fears by warning us of:

  • Cameras that will record our average and point speeds.

  • People and animals in or alongside the road.