Parish Galleries

A Parish Gallery is particularly important for places where litter is quickly cleared, lest residents think there’s no need to help out.

Also, if something happens over time, it’s important to make it visible.

Anyone can start a parish gallery. Use the form below to share the parish name and we’ll set up a gallery. If you don’t know the parish, the place and county will do - we can then identify the parish.

When you de-litter an area, take a photo of your haul and upload it to the Parish Folder on Dropbox from where it will be moved to the respective parish gallery.

To upload a photo to Dropbox, you will need the Dropbox App on your phone. Let us know, in the form below, the email address you used to register with Dropbox. The Dropbox folder for your parish will then be shared with you, so it appears in your list of Dropbox folders on your phone.

Possibly the simplest way to upload a photo is take the photo within your Dropbox App and upload it to your Parish Dropbox folder. There’s no need to add any details to the photo title - Dropbox tells us it’s from you.

If the photo is already in your phone’s Photos Library, here's how to upload it to your Parish Dropbox folder. (1-minute video, iOS).

Once a photo has been moved to a gallery, it will be deleted from Dropbox so it doesn’t count against your Dropbox allowance.

Parishes are ranked according to an oasis-themed RAG Performance System

Royal Blue

the entire parish was de-littered during the last three-day window.

It’s a #pristineparish

Little Rissington

Palm Green

these parishes are working to achieve Royal Blue status


Upper Rissington

Desert Sand

parishes not listed above have yet to adopt the #PristineParish Program.

walks have been devised for these parishes




Burton Bradstock


Churchill & Sarsden

Great Rissington







Wyck Rissington