80% of plastic in the ocean originates on land. Source: WWF

The Sea Starts in Your Parish!

Litter flows from your parish to the sea - but it can be easily stopped. You could live in a #PristineParish, meaning your whole parish is de-littered twice a week. Some of your neighbours already do. They’ve adopted the #PristineParish Program, transformed their neighbourhood and noticed a huge lift in morale.

No administration is needed - we do that. And we provide free grabbers and hi-vis.

Take a grabber and bag on a brisk weekly walk and we'll invite others in your parish to do likewise. Then we’ll all be a few steps closer to a #PristinePlanet.

And given a brisk walk (3-4 mph) is cardiovascular exercise, you’ll feel doubly good!

Let’s work together to enrol your parish.