Nobody can do business on a dead planet. Firms depend on the services that nature provides through its biodiversity.

Biodiversity depends on environmental stewardship.

Credit: Tom Toro


Support the stewards

Investing in environmental stewardship demonstrates your values.

How? Buy credits and display the certificate on your website.


The market responds

People prefer to buy from and work for a company that invests in their future.

They know that environmental stewardship credits are an investment today in their future.


Partner with Eden

Eden is licensed to issue environmental stewardship credits. They fund our work preserving Britain’s road verges, which total 2,653 square kilometres, equivalent to an area the size of Dorset.

Verges are corridors for biodiversity. They spread flora and fauna widely.

Litter on road verges can significantly degrade their health and diversity.

Help us keep our roads pristine!


Fill in the form to find out more.