Litter Casualties
This is not an intractable problem. with our patrons support, we’re working to solve it.
Humans are not alone in liking sugary drinks.
The sweet smell coming from bottles and cans left lying on the ground attracts animals that can get inside but, for lack of a foothold, can’t get out. All the photos on this page were taken by Eden volunteers in just three parishes as they removed legacy litter, and they’re just at the tip of a gruesome iceberg.
This is why we abjure the annual litter pick and instead set volunteers up to remove litter twice a week from their entire parish.
We run Eden with the help of our patrons who provide the funds needed to recruit and equip volunteers with grabbers and hi-vis vests and provide ongoing support.
Patrons love the fact that their adspend demonstrates their care for their environment in such a tangible and targeted way.
To find out about how to become a patron, please fill in the form at bottom of this page.
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