A new way to link your brand to a very public and highly regarded form of environmental protection.
Conscious Consumers like Conscious Brands
Conscious consumers are a rapidly growing demographic. They are prepared to shun household names in favour of companies that are improving their world.
Here’s how you can improve their world
There is no authority responsible for stopping the daily flow of litter from Britain’s roads into the waterways, to the seas, onto the beaches and into the food chain.
That leaves a gap that urgently needs to be filled at the local level - the more local the better. That vacancy could be filled by your company - as an Eden Patron.
As Eden Patron, watch your brand flourish
Our popular pikkers* will sport your brand on their hi-vis vests as they carry out twice-weekly piks of their entire parish.
*A pikker is a protector of the holy river in Estonian mythology.
The difference between the #pristineparish program and conventional one-off or ad hoc picks is that the outcome - a liveable environment - is for ever. The environment does not regress to what it was before - it remains pristine.
The benefit for your brand is that you are seen to transform people’s lives, and people can’t help but applaud. That’s a win for your brand and a win for every earthling.
Parish councils have declared ecological emergencies, so now is a great time for you to step forward and select the parishes you want to help.
An American explanation of a global problem
How does branding work?
We place your brand on our pikkers’ hi-vis vests and you pay an annual fee based on a brand exposure calculus. We then earn the fee by conducting twice-weekly piks of the parish wearing your brand. Each pik, when completed, will appear on your selected parish calendar(s) to which you have access.
Your funds pay for grabbers and vests (given free to every pikker to keep), for our ongoing management of the program, and enable us to enrol more parishes.
Think of it like buying space on a sandwich board of yesteryear, with one important difference - the wearer, as they pick up (and recycle) litter is, in the eyes of the public, a hero - and one who is delighted to sport your brand.
Pikkers, while patrolling alone, are part of a parish team that conducts twice-weekly patrols of the parish roads, stopping litter from entering the waterways and seas.
Because of this, they are, without doubt, the most frequently applauded members of the parish. Some of that glory goes to your brand - deservedly so, as your funding underpins pikking in your target parishes and goes to boost the number of #pristineparishes in the UK.
Branding features
By selecting parishes in Britain, brand campaigns can be targeted at an area tailored to your business, e.g. Surrey, or the North East, or within 10 miles of Witney.
Roadside branding
Our Pikkers patrol the road network. They are in full view of passing traffic throughout, meaning your brand achieves maximum exposure.
Passers-by signal their gratitude.
Our Pikkers are local heroes, celebrated for unflinchingly maintaining a weekly patrol schedule in order to keep their parish pristine - and really enjoying it.
Imagine your brand on our hi-vis waistcoats, both endorsing and being endorsed by our celebrity Pikkers.
It’s a win for our countryside, our waterways and our seas, and it’s a win for your brand.
KPI Measurement
The results of each #PristineParish Program are displayed on the Eden Everywhere Map of England and Wales. The Map ranks parishes with a hierarchical (RAG) colour code, with those whose public road network* has been completely pikked twice during the past 7 days earning Royal Blue Status:
Royal Blue = All Walks pikked during the last pik window*
Palm Green = A #pristineparish contender
Desert Sand = A #pristineparish prospect
* The pik windows are Monday to Wednesday and Friday to Sunday.
Branding benefit
Kudos for your brand
People will associate your brand with a liveable environment. The Eden Everywhere Map allows users to see their parish and planet in the process of being transformed (as their parish’s status changes colour). And they will be able to see your brand behind the transformation, something you can declare by adding the Eden Patron Badge to your website.
There is no issue so pressing today as man’s impact on the environment. Brands that are seen to lessen man’s impact are the ones that people will increasingly want to support.
Eighty-one percent of British people say that seeing litter makes them frustrated and angry (Populus, 2015). This vast cohort is eager for a white knight. Could that be you?
Become a patron
Takeaway food and drink litter dominates ocean plastic so, if your company is a purveyor of food and drink, and especially if you offer takeaway, then being a parish patron presents a tangible and measurable way to compensate for the packaging going out of your door and out of your control.
A brand is the story your company tells about itself. It’s the story your employees and customers have bought into. Make today the day you resolve to fly your flag for them to see as they travel the roads of this country.
By adopting one or more parishes, you will place your brand at the forefront of the Battle for Britain at a time when people are more than ever influenced in their shopping habits by their concern for their world.