Glencot School

By Gray Elkington (1959-1963)

For Glencot School old boys who would like to put a name to a face.

H001 - Glencot School, Summer 1962, with David Austin facing camera, taken with a Box Brownie - the photo is colourised

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Here’s a memory challenge for Glencot School old boys. I hope it will offer some distraction during lockdown… and beyond.

Can you put a name to any of the faces below? Can you add a first name where there’s only a surname? Can you confirm a name where there’s a question mark?

See if you can identify more faces, and let me know your thoughts.

My Glencot Blog is here and my brother’s is here, if you would like to comment.

Glencot School 1963

1 Rivett, 8 David Monteith, 15 Milne, 18 Nigel Monteith, 20 Boulting, 27 Miller, 28 Richard Knowles, 31 Rowley, 41 Adey/AD/Adrian D…?, 45 Skinner, 47 John Chetham, 55 Brian Barkeley-Smith, 56 Warner?, 57 Cooper, 61 Angliss, 70 Bates, 71 Marsden, 86 Gray Elkington, 87 Gavin Spreadbury, 88 Patrick Warren-Gash

C Mr Drew, E Mr Williams, F Mrs Ducker, G Michael Waller, I James D Ducker, J Mrs Adams, K Ned Adams, L Mrs Williams, N Miss Faulkner, O Mr Laing, Q Rev Segal

Glencot School 1962

2 Patrick Warren-Gash, 3 Grenville Simons, 4 Gavin Spreadbury, 5 Ian Morgan, 7 John Chetham, 8 Angliss, 9 David Rivett, 10 Eric Morgans, 12 George Kenrick, 13 Gray Elkington, 14 David Austin, 15 Peter Wood, 16 John Elkington, 20 Adey/AD/Adrian D…?, 24 Chris Howgego, 26 Welch, 28 Rycroft, 35 Jocelyn?, 41 Clive Rumens, 45 Francisco Caralps, 46 Robert Leighton, 50 Warren-Gash?, 51 Marsden, 54 Knott?, 57 Nick Travis, 59 Sullivan, 60 Anstruther, 68 Skinner, 78 Miller, 86 Simon Fuller

Possibly also at Glencot in 1962: Ashley Ashford Brown, John Dunston, Nicholas Gandy, Gregory, Lawrence, Ian Stewart

A Mr Choat, B Mr Drew, C Mrs Ducker, D Mrs Williams, F James D Ducker or Dougal Duncan?, G Mrs Adams, H Ned Adams, K Michael Waller, L Miss Faulkner?, M Rev Segal, N Mrs Williams, O Mr Laing

Glencot School 1961

1 Robert Leighton, 2 Chris Howgego, 6 Thomas Forster, 7 Nick Travis, 8 Gavin Spreadbury, 9 Grenville Simons, 10 Peter Radcliffe, 11 Francisco Caralps, 12 Bowen, 14 Mansfield, 19 Angliss, 21 John Elkington, 25 David Rivett, 28 Jocelyn?, 30 Warren-Gash?, 35 Hopkins, 36 Bingham, 37 David Radcliffe?, 38 Julian Bevan Jones, 42 James Deans, 43 O’Malley, 46 Kendall?, 47 Clive Rumens, 54 Sam Hunt?, 55 Welch, 57 Patrick O’Malley, 58 Simon Fuller, 59 Sullivan, 60 Ian Morgan, 61 Davidson?, 62 Adey/AD/Adrian D….?, 64 Patrick Warren-Gash, 65 Gray Elkington, 66 Eric Morgans, 70 Miller, 76 Asher?, 79 David Austin, 80 Marsden, 81 Rycroft

Possibly also at Glencot in 1961: Ashley Ashford-Brown, John Dunston, Nicholas Gandy, Gregory, George Kenrick, Knight, Lawrence, Loncraine, Oakleigh, Radford, Rice-Evans, Rutland, William Stephens, Ian Stewart

B Mr Choat, D Mr Williams, F Mr Drew, G James D Ducker or Dougal Duncan?, H Mrs Adams, I Ned Adams, J Mrs Williams, K Mr Laing, L Miss Faulkner?, M Rev Segal, N Mrs Ducker, O Michael Waller

Glencot School 1960

1 Patrick Warren-Gash, 3 Simon Fuller, 6 Sullivan, 8 Jocelyn?, 15 James Deans, 16 O’Malley, 22 Skinner, 23 Nick Travis, 24 Clive Rumens, 26 Rivett, 29 Gray Elkington, 30 Anstruther?, 31 Gavin Spreadbury, 33 Kendall?, 36 Peter Lamond?, 38 A J Birkett, 44 Horton, 45 Benson, 46 Richard Yates, 49 Antony Clode Baker, 50 Fardell, 51 Anthony Mills, 54 Tony Roff, 61 Welch, 62 Thomas Forster, 70 Hopkins, 71 Bingham, 73 John Elkington

B Mr Williams, C Miss Faulkner?, D Rev Segal, F Ned Adams, G Mrs Adams, H James D Ducker or Dougal Duncan?, I Mrs Williams, J Mr Drew, K Judith Youll (Matron), L David Chapman, M Mrs Ducker, N Michael Waller

I will upload names and photos

If you have other photos of Glencot School (school photos or otherwise) that you would like me to upload, send them to (myfirstname)(at) Otherwise, you can use the form below to make contact, but no attachments are possible.

If you need to scan a photo, please do so at a minimum resolution of 720dpi - that will yield an image of sufficient quality. I will colourise black and white photos and add numbers and letters where necessary so boys and teachers can be easily named. I will place other annual school photos on this page and any other photos taken at Glencot School here.

A call to arms…

Captain Mainwaring aka Gray Elkington

Are you up for a new mission?

Having arrived on this planet in 1950, I’m at an age when I have the time to play parlour games. Much of the rest of the time, I spend helping people keep their parish pristine. My own parish has been pristine (cleaned twice a week) since early 2019, thanks to a splendid group of volunteers. But I’d like, with your help, to spread my #pristineparish program nationwide… and beyond.

Surely it’s time to put our feet up?

Yes, we can place our hopes in the younger generation, but this does not mean that we pass the baton just yet - there’s much we oldies can yet achieve together. Who has overseen the decline in the state of the countryside if not our generation? We have the time and resources and duty, like no generation before us, to transform this country - indeed, most of my volunteers are over 70. Think of us like a Dad’s Army if you like. Only a little more effective, one hopes.

Glencot: a time best forgotten or a springboard for change?

I know well that some people had an awful time at Glencot. I had a few narrow escapes myself. My hope is that we can put that behind us and use the Glencot fraternity - forged in adversity - as a source of strength to come together again for one last mission - to create a future we can be proud of. So do please join me in what begins with a Battle for a more Beautiful Britain… before extending overseas.

How can you help?

By starting a #pristineparish program in your parish. By sponsoring a parish.

Or by investing in Eden dot Enterprises Ltd., which needs resources to develop the Eden App and spread the word. Eden dot Enterprises is a social enterprise, which means that while it earns its keep and pays dividends through selling services, its primary goal is to pursue the vision of a #pristineplanet.

Please write to me at (myfirstname)(at)